22 ožu 2022

Ne putem prečaca, ali putem sigurnosti

Ovim se motom vodimo kada našim klijentima pružamo konzultantske usluge. Navedenim se nedvojbeno mogu poistovijetiti i naši stručnjaci za obnovljive izvore energije, pružajući neke od sljedećih usluga našem dugogodišnjem klijentu General Electric Wind Energy:

So far, they have supported the client in the countries like:

✔ Finland
✔ Lithuania
✔ Kosovo
✔ Afghanistan
✔ The United Arab Emirates

The latest country that our experts visited, and we could add to the list, is South Africa, where our team had series of meetings in order to perform a compliance Assessment – New Markets Technical Due Diligence service.

With information prepared by us, our clients can be sure to make calculated decisions related to their business efforts and avoid potential risks. Wherever in the world, they might be.

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