Ključna snaga Instituta IGH su naši vrsni stručnjaci
Zahvaljujući njihovim znanjima i sposobnostima postali smo najveća projektno konzultantska kuća u Srednjoj i Jugoistočnoj Europi. IGH zapošljava preko 500 djelatnika, od čega je više od 70% visokoobrazovani kadar


Naš uspjeh temelji se na dugogodišnjem iskustvu, timskoj suradnji i razvoju mladih ljudi uz mentorstvo iskusnih i vrsnih stručnjaka te osviještenosti da su zaposlenici naš najvredniji resurs. U cilju nam je omogućiti svim zaposlenicima razvoj u područjima koja i sami preferiraju jer smatramo da je to jedini način ka stvaranju klime i kulture u kojoj ćemo imati zadovoljne zaposlenike. Zadovoljstvo zaposlenika mjerimo jedanput godišnje kako bi menadžment kompanije dobio uvid i smjernice za planiranje aktivnosti u svrhu poboljšanja zadovoljstva djelatnika.

Otvorene pozicije

our employees

Ivan Šoprek
struč.spec.ing.aedif., EWE/IWE, IWIP-C
I came to IGH in 2001 as a student, where I am still working as a Steel Structures Expert. I am pleased to be able to work with top notch experts on large projects both in Croatia and on international markets, thanks to my own ambition, mentorship, training and numerous opportunities opening up to me because I work for IGH.
Karlo Miletić
mag.ing. aedif.
I came to Institut IGH in 2017 as a younger associate designer in the field of water engineering. I appreciate the opportunity that I was given by IGH to achieve my ambitions, grow and develop within a multidisciplinary company under professional mentorship, using modern softwares and with the support of a productive environment. I believe that IGH is the right choice for young engineer’s development.
Ivan Šoprek
mag.ing. aedif.
I started my career at Institut IGH as an associate designer at the Water Engineering Department. Soon after I arrived, an opportunity arose for a transfer to the Technical Supervision and Project Management Department where I was given the chance to participate on Pelješac Bridge project. IGH gives me the opportunity to learn from the best and build a career in line with my own ambitions.
we strive to exceed client’s expectations.
Client orientation
Our experience and expertise enables us to recognise the need of our clients. We offer solutions through consultancy and personalized approach, creating long-standing relationships to mutual benefit and satisfaction.
dedicated to progress.
We focus on expertise and quality in all our activities. We set standards and permanently invest in raising competences of our employees.
creating new values together.
We encourage cooperation and knowledge sharing. We foster good relations and create a pleasant and stimulating working environment.
contributing to sustainability.
Social responsibility
We support only ethical behaviour and are aware that our activities, in all segments and relationships, can have a positive impact on the local community, environment and society as a whole.
making things happen.
We continuously strive for better solutions, with maximum efforts in all situations and on everu project. We adopt and create new opportunities, gain experience and develop through them.

Otvorena prijava
