The westernmost monumental Ottoman building in Europe called Maškovića Han is based in the historical town of Vrana, Croatia. Due to its importance and historical value, the complex is entered in the register of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia as an individually protected immovable cultural property and as an individually protected immovable cultural property of national importance. Its renovation began in 2013. and ended a year later. Collaborating with several stakeholders, Institut IGH provided the services of expert supervision and FIDIC engineer over the execution of restoration works. The project was funded by EU IPA funds, for which the municipality of Pakoštane established a special Agency Han, which in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture applied for the funds.
The importance of historic buildings
Older buildings allow us a tangible return to the past. They have an intrinsic historical and educational value from which we can learn a lot in terms of architecture, design and interior design, as well as the way of life of people from ancient times. Each historic building has its value and specific reasons that go in favor of its thorough restoration. In addition to the most obvious, aesthetic, there are also other reasons like environmental protection, preservation of historical significance and cultural value.
History of Mašković Hana
The history of Mašković Han dates back to 1644. when the construction of Mašković Han began by the order and funds of Jusuf Mašković, a native of Vrana, a high dignitary at the sultan's court and the supreme admiral of the Turkish fleet. It was intended to be his residence upon his return from service in Constantinople. About 500 workers a day were involved in the construction of this complex. In 1645., Mašković conquered the island of Crete with 60,000 soldiers, and the humanity he showed towards the captured Venetian soldiers and citizens elevated him, but also provoked the anger of the sultan who invited him to the court and where Mašković was executed. After Mašković's death, the construction was completed in a much more modest form. As it is located on the border of the Ottoman Empire and the Venetian Republic, Han, as well as the nearby fortified hillfort, often changed owners, so traces of various administrations and interventions can be seen in Han. After the complete restoration of the complex, Maškovića Han becomes a "heritage hotel", and as such in 2018. received an award at the Croatian Tourism Days as the cultural attraction of the year.
You can see how Maskovića Han looks today in a gallery on their web site.