Building Construction

Jasminka Kečanović Šimec arh
One of the key activities at the INSTITUT IGH, d.d. is providing professional services in building construction. They include residential, commercial, public, sports, commercial and other buildings for public and private purposes.
Commercial and residential structures
Public buildings and sports infrastructure


Tourism is one of the key economic branches in the Republic of Croatia. The development of tourist potential is constantly increasing, and the increase of construction projects for new accommodation capacities and renovation and/or expansion of existing ones is expected. In addition to the buildings themselves, an additional challenge is always the accompanying infrastructure with traffic, entertainment and sports facilities.
INSTITUT IGH, JSC is ready to meet the needs of contracting authorities and private clients as a consultant who supports creating and implementing new tourist facilities following legal regulations and the latest trends in the construction industry. IGH experts dealing with this sector are aware of the expectations, opportunities and limitations in implementing construction projects in the tourism sector. They proved their competencies by participating in the implementation of the luxury tourist resort project in Dubrovnik.
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Commercial and residential structures

In addition to commercial purpose buildings (business buildings) and those intended exclusively for housing (residential buildings), today's concept of life affects the increased demand for mixed-use space, the so-called residential-business buildings. Each stated building purpose must be planned and performed according to specific conditions. INSTITUT IGH, JSC, acts as a partner and advisor to the clients to whom it offers complete service in implementing the project. As additional criteria and analyses define the level of project success, the INSTITUT IGH, JSC, experts prepare preliminary studies, plans and assessments, design and expert supervision, and the management of the entire project.
The list of projects on which INSTITUT IGH, JSC has proven its competencies based on knowledge and experience in this field is exceptionally long. It just confirms numerous years of experience and breadth of references.
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Public buildings and sports infrastructure

Public facilities and sports infrastructure projects differ from others as their planning and construction are subject to additional specific regulations besides those considered typical in construction procedures. These facilities include cultural facilities, health facilities, public administration facilities, catering facilities, outdoor and indoor sports, recreational facilities, parks and many more.
Whether they are public or private clients of such facilities, the INSTITUT IGH, JSC can help them identify their needs and implement a project that will meet special requirements in planning, design and construction. In such cases, it is crucial to ensure the full functionality of the facility with user safety and economical maintenance.

INSTITUT IGH, JSC pays special attention to that its experts in this field have all the necessary knowledge and appropriate licenses. Successful outcomes are visible from the long list of reference projects in building construction.
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Services related to the detailed verification of the feasibility of the project according to the conditions from the spatial planning documentation are necessary for all investors during the project implementation. Our experts are in charge of developing a detailed strategy with an assessment of the current situation. They are familiar with the legislative framework and regulations in detail. We consider all our client's requirements and the project's impact on the environment.
Engineers of the INSTITUT IGH, JSC, were in charge of making urban plans for many Croatian cities. The plan determines the detailed spatial development of the zone based on the spatial and functional solution, as well as the conditions and design of narrower spatial units to bring the space to the planned purpose. Respecting the requirements and guidelines determined by a particular city's general urban plan, the area's situation is evaluated, and the primary goals of the project plan are executed.
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