Country: Croatia
Duration: 2009 /
Value: EUR 167 million

Railway line Dugo Selo – Križevci

On the existing railway line, section Dugo Selo-Križevci, in the length of 38.2 km, Institut IGH was engaged for services of development of the preliminary and detailed design in the period from 2009 to 2013, and afterwards in 2016 for the preparation of the detailed design and the as-built design for reconstruction of the existing railway track and construction of the second one. The value of the project comprising the execution and supervision of works amounts to HRK 1.25 million, and 85% of this amount is financed from the EU Funds. Works on the railway route started in July 2016, and the railway line should be in full operation by 2020. Works include the reconstruction of six bridges and construction of seven new bridges, 11 overpasses, 1 underpass and a noise protection barrier in the length of 20 km. Upon completion of the upgrade, the train speed should increase to 160 km/h, which will shorten the duration of the trip from Dugo Selo to Križevci by a third.

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