Country: Croatia
Duration: 2008 / 2010
Value: 105.000 EUR

Port of Ploče – Town of Ploče – Reconstruction of high-speed road and construction of link road

The construction of new, modern port terminals for containers and bulk cargo – Bulk Cargo Terminal and Container Terminal for upgrading and increasing the transshipment capacity of the Port of Ploče, will firstly require construction of a new road junction with a checkpoint and car parks as well as accompanying building structures related to functioning of the border crossing. The existing local road connecting the port to the main road network does not represent an obstacle to design and execution of the new road junction. Design elements of the high speed road route shall comply with the computed speed of 80 m. Vranjak 1 Overpass of ca. 190 m span is planned on the north part of the axis across the railway line (construction in the 1st phase) and Vranjak 2 Overpass of ca. 56 m span is located on the axis across the high speed road (construction in the 2nd phase). Institut IGH was engaged for the development of documentation of the conceptual design and preliminary design, necessary surveying works, geotechnical investigations and geotechnical designs

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