Country: Croatia
Duration: 2016 /
Value: EUR 38 million


The objective of the project “Drainage System with Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTP) of the Town of Poreč” is to upgrade the entire drainage system by reconstructing the new collectors and constructing new ones in places where it is necessary to connect new users. The total length of reconstructed and newly constructed collectors together with pumping stations amounts to 77.8 km. Also, the level of treatment will be raised for wastewater discharged into the sea for the entire system by constructing 4 wastewater treatment plants of joint capacity 137 000 PE. Wastewater quality with 4 WWTPs, treated with membrane technology, will be able to fulfil requirements for irrigation of green areas and agriculture in the region without burdening the water supply system further. Moreover, it is important to mention the concept of sludge reuse, which includes composting and solar drying of sludge. It will be possible to use such sludge in agriculture, parks and on other green areas, e.g. for hydro seeding when planting vegetation on roads or for production of biogas, i.e. energy. The project is being implemented in the Town of Poreč and three municipalities Tar-Vabrigi, Funtani and Vrsar. Main objectives of the project are as follows: Improving the quality of drinking water and environmental protection Reducing losses in the water supply system 6,300 new people connected to the drainage system and increasing the total percentage of population with a drainage system connection to 90% Construction of 4 wastewater treatment plants so that wastewater treatment in Poreč and surrounding area would be at the highest level Renewal and reconstruction of the existing 22.8 km of the drainage system and construction of additional 55 km of the pipeline in the drainage system Construction of 24 new pumping stations and reconstruction of 11 existing ones Procurement of equipment for maintenance and management of the drainage system and procurement and implementation of the geo-information system (GIS) (source: Institut IGH was engaged for the provision of services of preparation of the conceptual design as well as preliminary and detailed designs.

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