Country: Croatia
Duration: 2013 / 2018
Value: HRK 3.3 million


By this Project, the new building for quality control of the company Pliva was built at the location in Savski Marof (Prigorje Brdovečko). The intended use of the building will combine quality assurance and control. The use of the space is divided between standard office spaces, technological spaces with laboratories and other technical areas. The building is equipped with required infrastructure (installations). GDA is ca. 2,000 m2. In addition to building construction, the scope of the Project included landscaping with outdoor infrastructure and equipment. On this project, IGH provided consulting services of the civil engineer and consulting in project management in all phases of the Project, which included: – activities during communication with the end user in defining and planning of project tasks and plans; – inspection and provision of expert comments regarding the prepared design technical documentation; – participation in communication with competent administrative authorities during obtaining of permits and inspections; – preparation of tender documents; implementation of tender procedures including the analysis of received tenders from other participants in construction; – participation in the procedure of negotiations and contracting; – coordination and active communication with project participants; – monitoring and control of the execution of works and control of plans; – consulting the Investor regarding the technical, legal and financial part, etc.

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