We are proud owners of the CO2-regulated climate chamber manufactured by Memmert, which was delivered to us by our partners from Ru-Ve d.o.o.
The climate chamber has the ability to regulate the temperature in the range (0-60) ° C, humidity in the range (0-80)% and, what makes us especially happy, the ability to regulate the CO2 concentration in the chamber in the range (0-20)%.
This will enable us to test concrete, mortars and products for protection and repair of concrete structures in conditions of standard and accelerated carbonation, determination of important parameters such as carbonation depth, carbonation resistance according to EN 12390-12 or EN 13295, carbon dioxide permeability according to HRN EN 1062-6.
This latest device will enrich the capabilities of our already state-of-the-art laboratories which have been accredited according to the standard HRN EN ISO/IEC 17025 for a wide range of testing and calibration services in all areas of civil engineering, with more than 500 accredited test methods and a broad selection of test methods in non-accredited area.
The first samples with the new device will be tested soon!