The joint venture consisting of the Institut IGH, d.d. Institut za elektroprivredu d.d., EKONERG d.o.o. and GEOEXPERT-I.G.M. d.o.o. signed with HEP proizvodnja d.o.o four groups of contracts related to the main inspections of building structures at four locations in Croatia with a total value of HRK 7,973,177.00 (excluding VAT).
The share of the Institut IGH, d.d. in the mentioned contracts amounts to HRK 4,240,673.00 (excluding VAT).
These four contracts apply to the following locations:
- GROUP 1 - Main overview of building constructions of the Sisak Thermal Power and Heating Plant with a total value of HRK 1,496,574.00, whereby the share of the Institut IGH, d.d amounts to HRK 801,444.00
- GROUP 2 - Main overview of building constructions of the Rijeka Thermal Power Plant with a total value of 2,896,220.00, with the share of the Institut IGH, d.d., amounting to HRK 1,860,643.00
- GROUP 3 - Main inspection of the building structures of the Plomin Thermal Power Plant with a total value of HRK 1,683,753.00, whereby the share of the Institut IGH, d.d. amounts to HRK 1,244,155.00
- GROUP 4 - Main overview of building constructions of the Zagreb Thermal Power Plant with a total value of 1,897,166.00, with the share of Institut IGH, d.d. amounts to HRK 334,431.00