Country: Croatia
Duration: 2008 / 2016
Value: 97,5 mil. EUR


For the entrance terminal of the Port of Ploče, IGH was engaged on the preparation of conceptual designs for road infrastructure and parking areas (P1 and P2), the Environmental Impact Study, preliminary designs of roads inside the port complex, car parks (P1 and P2), the entrance platform (BC), traffic equipment, traffic signs and road markings, storm water drainage, sewerage and water supply systems, hydrant network, civil engineering and architectural designs of the business building, checkpoint (BC), electrical and electronic installation system of the business building, checkpoint, car parks for arriving vehicles, car parks for departing vehicles, road system, engineering geological prospecting of the terrain for the purposes of preliminary design development, power supply and relocation of electrical power facilities, lighting system, relocation of TC installations, implementation of administrative proceedings for issuance of the location permit, detailed designs of roads, car parks, storm water drainage and sewerage system, water supply and hydrant network, engineering geological and geotechnical investigations, geotechnical reports for the route, car parks and the business building, geotechnical designs of the road embankment, car parks, the administrative building and border crossing, traffic designs, landscape design of the road and car parks, and implementation of the administrative proceedings for issuance of the building permit. Road design L=300 m Car parks (P1 and P2) of area 25 000m2 Entrance platform for the checkpoint, of area 900 m2

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