Country: Croatia
Duration: 2018 / 2021
Value: 160 mil EUR

Istarski Ispilon

On the project for the construction of the complete profile of the Istarski IPSILON – A8 highway, section: Rogovići – Lupoglav, from km 0-252.73 to km 27+860.00 (approx. 28 km long), the INSTITUT IGH performed control testing’s on the Istarski IPSILON – Istrian highway, phase 2B1 from the existing junction Rogovići, via Lupoglav to Vranje, total length approx. 27 km. The route has five subsections with a total length of approx. 28 km. A total of 42 engineering structures were constructed, of which: 11 underpasses, three overpasses, 11 viaducts, eight retaining walls, 3 bridges, two culverts, 3 road passages and one pilot rock.

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