Country: Croatia
Duration: 2002 / 2006
Value: EUR 24 million

Homeland Bridge in Zagreb

The Homeland Bridge is one of the key parts of the infrastructure project involving construction of the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant (system) in Zagreb (CWWTZ). The Homeland Bridge is a multi-purpose structure with transport and infrastructure functions, and, on this project, IGH provided the services of technical advisory and supervision during the execution of civil engineering works (scope, quality, price and time). It carries wastewater drainage pipes from Novi Zagreb on the left bank of the Sava River to the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant of the City of Zagreb, as well as water supply pipes, gas pipeline and electrical lines from one side of Sava River to the other. This bridge is also the most important transport link from the City of Zagreb to Zagreb Airport. The total length of the bridge is ca. 879 m, and its width amounts to 34 m. Bridge width consists of two traffic lanes, bicycle and pedestrian lanes, as well as the area for the future tram route or “high speed rail” in both directions.

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