Country: Croatia
Duration: 2006 / 2012
Value: EUR 140,000

Expressway D1 Solin – Klis – Sinj

Additional surveying works, development of additional conceptual designs and detailed designs of bus stops, conceptual design for the link road from D1 to the connection to axis 12, connections of the economic zone Podi, parallel substitute roads, additional right-turn lanes, with connection right-right to D1, field path Podi-Križice, reconstruction of temporary connections, drainage of viaducts Majdan, Mravince, Dračevac and Mihovilovići, temporary detention basins, redesign of the culvert Klapavica, working designs for the tunnel, and obtaining the location and building permits for the expressway D1, Solin-Klis-Sinj.

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