The students of the third grade of "Ivan Seljanec" High School in Križevci, specializing as civil engineering technicians, embarked on a unique educational experience as they conducted part of their curriculum on Construction Materials at IGH laboratories in Zagreb.
The school established a collaboration with IGH, with teachers Nikola Kovačić and Mihaela Nemčić from Ivan Seljanec High School coordinating the program with experts from the well-equipped laboratories at IGH. Prior to the field trip, students were provided with materials for learning both at home and at school, ensuring they were well-prepared for practical lessons.
To kick off the experience, students underwent a safety training course in the laboratory with Sead Zenelović, the head of environment, health and safety & fire protection division. After the course, equipped with necessary protective gear, students engaged in extensive and thorough testing procedures.
This opportunity provided students with valuable hands-on experience, with three more planned field visits before the end of the school year. Following these visits, students will engage in analyzing and presenting their findings from the laboratory work.