The largest agglomeration in Croatia has been successfully completed, and another one in Cres-Lošinj has been expanded.
When we can directly influence the improvement of the quality of life in a city through the projects we work on, they demand 101% of our effort. One of such projects is the Agglomeration of Cres, Martinšćica, Mali Lošinj, and Veli Lošinj.
Together with the consortium, INSTITUT IGH, JSC will contribute to the implementation of this project. We are delighted to know that after the project is completed, the connection to the public sewage system will reach 96%, which is above the Croatian average. The project started at the end of 2019 with the signing of a contract worth 486 million kuna, co-financed by the Operational Program Competitiveness and Cohesion 2014-2020. Non-refundable EU funds amount to 263 million kuna, while the remaining funds are provided by the relevant ministry Hrvatske vode and the Vodoopskrba i odvodnja Cres Lošinj (Water and Sewerage utility of Cres Lošinj), as the beneficiary of EU funds.
Investing in this agglomeration directly means investing in the public water supply and drainage system, as well as wastewater treatment in the area of the city of Cres and its associated settlements Cres, Martinšćica, Miholašćica, and Stivan, as well as the city of Mali Lošinj and its associated settlements Mali Lošinj, Osor, Sveti Jakov, Artatore, Ćunski, Nerezine, and Veli Lošinj.
Cres is the largest island in the Adriatic Sea, and with a length of 66 km, it ranks second among the longest islands. It belongs to the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County and extends in a north-south direction. Its highest peak is Gorice (648m), and the well-known Lake Vrana is the main source of drinking water for the entire archipelago.
photo credit Grad Cres
The island of Cres is separated from the island of Lošinj by a very narrow Osor Channel, and they are connected by a rotating bridge, after which the road continues to Mali Lošinj. Lošinj is 31 km long and extends in a northwest-southeast direction. In the past, Cres and Lošinj were a single island. It was only through an artificially excavated canal near Osor, probably in Roman times, that two islands were created in order to shorten the route and bypass the large mass of the island on the way to the open sea. You can read about the flora and fauna, all the interesting facts about these islands, their history, and their beloved dolphins here.
Vransko lake, photo credit Mick Morton
It is an honor to work on the agglomeration that includes investments in the public water supply system, such as:
In addition to increasing the connection to the public drainage system to 96%, the reconstruction of the water supply system will reduce losses in the public water supply system from the current 36% to 27%, and improve the existing water supply of the Nerezine settlement by increasing the reservoir capacity for up to 343 residents.
The goal was also to enable wastewater treatment to an appropriate level and preserve its quality, as well as prevent its degradation, primarily for the purpose of preserving human health and then the environment, which contributes to achieving and maintaining good water status.
Another positive story happened in the Jastrebarsko agglomeration project. The residents of Jastrebarsko and the surrounding area received:
The IGH Institute has successfully completed the technical support and project management of one of the first and largest agglomerations in Croatia - the Jastrebarsko agglomeration. The project was carried out according to the conditions of the FIDIC White Book, and the works were performed in 14 settlements on as many as 18 construction sites. This is the largest investment in the history of the city, with a total project value of nearly 22.5 million euros. With a net amount of 72%, this project was also co-financed from the Cohesion Fund of the European Union. A total of 1,075 new connections to the sewage network were made for approximately 4,000 residents. 43.5 kilometers of new channels and collectors were built, and over 32 kilometers of roads were asphalted upon completion of the works.
Photo credit: Grad Jaska
The last facility built as part of this project is a wastewater treatment plant. Thanks to it, the wastewater will be returned to nature purified. We all know how important this function is today, as well as for the future of nature.
The city of Jastrebarsko is located in central Croatia, halfway between Zagreb and Karlovac. It is also popularly known as Jaska. It consists of 60 settlements and is a significant economic, craft, and tourist center. Over 17,000 residents live in these 60 settlements, with about 6,000 in the city center itself. All of them are part of a better future and great progress in their city.
We heartily congratulate all our colleagues on the expansion of the Cres, Martinšćica, Mali, and Veli Lošinj agglomerations. We also congratulate our colleagues from the Department of Professional Supervision on the successful completion of the largest agglomeration project - Jastrebarsko, and especially our esteemed colleague Miroslav Pauzar, mag. ing. aedif. in architecture.