Country: Croatia
Duration: 2009 / 2011
Value: EUR 1.2 million

City of Split – Traffic Study

After years of discussion motivated by problems in transport systems functioning in the wider area of the City of Split, and current discussions on the topic of giving stronger incentives and unlocking the development potential of Split conurbation, the preparation of the Spatial and Transport Study of the wider area of the City of Split was commissioned. This is a technical support document, the main objective of which is to identify, at the technical level, possibilities of more efficient connections and modernization of transport infrastructure, which is one of the basic preconditions for starting a new investment-development cycle aimed at achieving stronger economic growth. Precisely to this end, the spatial context within the scope of the Study has also been analysed. Having analysed in detail the valid physical-planning documentation, primarily the Physical Development Plan of Split-Dalmatia County and the Physical Development and General Development Plans of the City of Split and neighbouring cities and municipalities, it is the opinion of the expert team that these documents have been acknowledged at a general level and more importantly, that space has been reserved for future works related to traffic infrastructure upgrade. The study offered a series of specific project proposals that need to be prepared and realized within the context of the future dynamics of developmental processes. These projects have been elaborated at three levels: capital projects, local-scale projects and long-term conceptual solutions with the objective to preserve and reserve corridors for the modernisation of road, railway, air and marine traffic, public city transportation and stationary traffic.

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