Country: Croatia
Duration: 2005 / 2008
Value: EUR 70 million
Project Management

Avenue Mall

The multi-purpose complex Avenue Mall consists of commercial, entertainment and office spaces, including a large car park as well. It is located in Zagreb (Novi Zagreb – Siget). Works have been executed in two phases. The business part of the complex (shopping centre) with all pertaining amenities was executed in the first phase of the project, and the office part of the complex (business part) in the second phase. The plan view area of the complex amounts to ca. 12,276 m2, and the gross area of the entire complex amounts to about 78,677 m2 (38,727 m2 above ground + 42,824 m2 of underground areas). The complex has approximate height of 43.10 m (in the northwest part of the complex). The number of floors varies: three underground levels and three to nine levels above the ground. The value of the project amounts to over EUR 70 million.
Institut IGH provided Technical Advisor services, which comprised the provision of technical, financial and legal assistance to the Client in issues related to Project implementation, which included: – controlling all design documents required for project implementation (contracts, approvals, permits, consents, authorizations, licenses etc.); – informing about all expected changes of legal and technical legislation that refer to the project; confirm that the funds allocated for project realization are properly invested; – confirming the accuracy of design plans, technical drawings and other documents; – confirming that Creditor’s interests are protected in compliance with all applicable laws, decrees and other regulations as well as all applicable professional standards, plans, specifications and the budget; examining all contracts that refer to the execution of works and services; – monitoring of works, ensuring that they are conducted in compliance with contract documents; – visiting and inspecting the construction site regularly; – regular communication with Creditors and the Borrower; control and approval of costs; – issuing approvals of requests to withdraw funds required for the execution of works, regular preparation and submittal of reports etc.

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